Saturday, August 7, 2010

A TKAM Book Review

This writing task given was to write a book review of Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.”  Since the content of his essay is already substantial, the main guidance given Vince is for organization of thought.

            “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a novel written by Harper Lee. It was published in the year 1960. This is a story of innocence being destroyed by the horrors of the real world. The plot revolves around a girl named Scout Finch who does not know the truths about life. She watches the trial of a man named Tom Robinson and realizes that the world is not “perfect”. Arthur Radley, a recluse, saves Scout from being attacked. She realizes that he is not a bad person; she finds out that he’s just afraid of the outside world. 

            The title, To Kill a Mockingbird, makes readers think. Before the first part of the book ends, Atticus Finch mentions: “Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit e’m, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mocking bird.” The mockingbird symbolizes the innocence of people and the good things they do. Despite their good deeds, others still do cruel things to them. That’s why inflicting harm on someone who has done something good “is like killing a mockingbird.”

            The characters are effective in their development in a way that each and every one of them symbolizes something. For instance, Atticus symbolizes moral righteousness because he is fair with both the black and white people. He is also a good father. He allows his children to do things they want but he gives them some limitations. For example, he forbids them to bother Boo Radley. On the other hand, Bob Ewell symbolizes moral degradation. He is a racist and does not care about his children. For example, he beat up his daughter, Mayella Ewell, because she tempted a Negro.

            The lesson of the story is that everybody has the right to be treated as human beings. For example, in Maycomb, the black people are shunned and cast aside in a corner where they all live. They are not allowed to live anywhere near the whitew, vote, and fall in love with a white person. Another example, Arthur Radley is treated as someone who is not human because he is a recluse. People make rumors about him and the children (Scout, Jem, and Dill) try to make him come out of his house. These rumors (rumors that he is not normal) are proven wrong when he came out of his house to save Scout and Jem. I believe that people deserve to be treated equally because we are not any different. We are all still human beings, the only thing different about people is their skin color and personality, but we are all human beings.

            I would recommend this book. This book is recommended this to people who would want to become lawyers because it teaches them on how to be fair. For example, Atticus Finch, the central character of part 2, defends Tom Robinson as best as he can even if he is a black man. I would give this book a rating of 9/10 because of the inspiration I got from Atticus. Another is there are some really funny parts in the book. The only bad thing in the book is the really complex vocabulary and the slow pace of part one.

Vince is a fifteen year-old student who has expressed his eagerness to write essays and narratives. He dreams of becoming a lawyer – after serving as a teacher in his alma mater. He is currently a student in an all-boys school, a guitarist in a band, and an avid air soft player.

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