Friday, October 19, 2012

Gail and the Maid by Alejandro

In the picture below, 2nd Grader Alejandro properly sequenced and described the events that happened in the controlled text, Gail and the Maid.

Alejandro’s Written Answer:
What Alejandro meant:
Gail saw a snail.

She put the snail in a gray pail.

The maid got mad and the maid put her hands on her waist.

The maid got mad to Gail and got scerd.
The maid got mad to Gail and she got scared.
Gail fecht a pail of water and threw it on the maid.
Gail fetched a pail of water and threw it on the maid.
The maid waild.
The maid wailed.
The maid wanted to faint.

Gail said sory to the maid.
Gail said sorry to the maid.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Butterfly and I

Chantelle recently read the book, Hope for the Flowers by Trina Paulus. Before reading, she was required to compare herself with a butterfly. She provided events in her life that were synonymous to each stage of the butterfly’s life cycle.

Chantelle would like to become famous someday. To become one, she takes singing and modeling lessons as a part of her training.

Dentists Are Important

Alejandro is an eight-year old kid. His program focuses on oral and written language, spelling, reading and comprehension.

He was asked to enumerate his answers as a part of his oral and written language development. This query was integrated as an introduction to the book, Andrew’s Loose Tooth that was about to be read to him.

Question: Give three reasons why dentists are important to us.

His Answer: Dentists are important for us because first, they tacer of awar teht. Second, they ceep are teht clen. Last, they ceep are teeth heltey.

What he meant: Dentists are important for us because first, they take care of our teeth. Second, they keep are teeth clean. Last, they keep are teeth healthy.

Parasailing is one of Alejandro’s interests and he is very knowledgeable about the different kind of boats.