Monday, April 26, 2010

Treasure Hunt

This writing exercise was given to Vince at the tail end of his 6th program. This activity served as a platform for his creative expression. It also served as a challenge to his cleverness in weaving randomly chosen words into his story. Most importantly, it served as an exercise in following the prescribed structure in writing narratives.

The words Vince was supposed to use were:
spectacular, received, arrogant, tentacle and squander
(the word ‘arrogant’ was overlooked)

This written output is at its raw form, as it has not undergone any editing or revisions. A reading of this material would show this student’s rich imagination, creativity and ingenuity. This work would be revisited in his next program; the editing would focus on the mechanical aspects of writing, like following punctuation rules.


Treasure Hunt

Price was a treasure hunter and explorer. He found spectacular gold bars in a wrecked ship under the sea and a giant stone statue of a kraken with broken tentacles in a deserted island. He has received a lot of rewards from exploring new lands.
          He set out on a journey to explore an area where people disappear after they wander into it. 
          It was an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. There were immense jungles, wild life, and its beaches stretch for ten kilometers. The beaches were deserted.
          Price, along with his friend Maxwell and a few more explorers arrived in the beach. They brought fifteen motor boats that contained thirty men, food, supplies, weapons and tents. 
          “Beautiful,” Price said.
          “Well, let’s get this over with.” Maxwell said. “We will set up camp here, by the beach.”
          The men finished setting up camp after an hour. The tents were all organized in an orderly fashion, empty crates were discarded, and Price, Maxwell and a few men were rounded up.
          “We’re going to explore the jungles,” Price said to the people who were not selected for the excursion. “Do not squander our good resources. We will be back in two hours.”
          Maxwell waved his hand, Price entered the jungle, and so did Maxwell and the few men. They all walked in a straight line, watching out for any strange movements in the jungle. So far, it was clear.
          After some time of walking, some of the men suddenly disappeared. The only people that were left were Price, Maxwell and three other companions.
          Suddenly, natives burst out of the bushes and attacked them. Two the of the other companions shot at them but were hit by poisoned arrows and soon they were dead. Price, Maxwell, and the last companion were quickly tied up to a wooden pole and were brought to a small village. There were children playing with sticks, men with weapons dancing around a fire and women were cooking food.
          Maxwell chuckled, “This explains a lot.”
          “No wonder why people disappear.” Price said. Suddenly, the last companion was brought somewhere else. “Where are they taking him?”
          The last one screamed for help, but they could not do anything. Soon, he was gone.
          “If I could only reach up my radio.” Price said. The poles were placed upright on the ground. Then a man with a hat with feathers came out of a hut and muttered something in a language that the two cold not understand.
          Maxwell noticed something inside of the hut that was shinning. “Price, I think I see something inside of the hut.”
          The chieftain waved his hand and everyone was silent. The people stopped dancing around the fire, the children stopped playing with the wooden sticks and the women stopped cooking. Maxwell pulled out a small knife from his long sleeve shirt and started cutting on the rope.
          He was able to cut lose. He pulled out a pistol from the holster on his thigh and shot some of the natives. The natives ran away in panic. He cut the rope on his feet and also Price’s
          “Thank.” Price said rubbing his wrist. “Let’s get out of here, Maxwell.”
          They two just ran of their lives out of the jungle. The natives were screeching and firing their arrows at them. Suddenly, a whole army of natives started coming out of bushes. They were shooting their arrows, throwing their spears and chasing them.
          They were running when suddenly Maxwell was hit by an arrow.
          “No!” Price shouted in distaste. He tried to help him up be Maxwell shook his head.
          “Nah its fine, Price. Just leave, now!” With that, Price said a farewell and ran quickly arrived at the beach.
          A man walked up to Price while he was walking to a motor boat, “Where are the others, sir?”
          “We have to leave, now!”
          Suddenly, the natives appeared on the tree line. The explorer and his men ran toward the boats, left the tents and supplies. Soon they were out of the island. They could only hear a faint screech then it soon faded.


Vince is a fifteen year-old student who has expressed his eagerness to write essays and narratives. He dreams of becoming a lawyer – after serving as a teacher in his alma mater. He is currently a student in an all-boys school, a guitarist in a band, and an avid air soft player. 

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