Friday, July 30, 2010

What Jary Has to Say

In line with the Mother’s Day celebration, Jary was asked the question: If you were to give the best gift to your mother, what it would be and why? 

The said question was the motive question for the book, My Mother is Mine. He orally gave his answer abiding by the sentence structure provided and then  transcribed it afterwards.

My Mother’s Gift

The best gift that I will give (to) my mother is love because God likes a child who loves his mother.

Jary showed his genuine love for his mother not only by his answer to the question posed but also by his Mother’s Day card that he created with the help of his teacher.


For his oral and written language development, Jary was asked the question: What was the best gift you received on your birthday and why? 

The said question was used as a motivation question for the book, Arthur’s Birthday. Words in the parentheses were modifications made to correct capitalization errors.

My Greatest Birthday Gift

The best gift I received on my birthday is the diary (Diary) of a wimpy (Wimpy) kid (Kid) because I love books.


As a post reading activity for the book, Arthur’s Chicken Pox, Jary was asked to think of three things to do when someone is sick.   He used the given sentence structure for enumeration and supplied his answers orally.  Jary later transcribed his responses with guidance from the teacher. He practiced delivering his work orally and presented it to his teacher.

Things To Do When You Are Sick

The three things to do when you are sick are first, get a thermometer to find out your temperature. Second, if it is high, go to the doctor and tell him that you are sick. Last, drink your medicines and eat nutritious food.

Jary is a grade 2 student. He shared that he had chicken pox when he was still a baby so he could not remember how he felt at that time.

He primarily loves to read books of different kinds and can appreciate humor in the stories read.

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