Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ivo's Poems

As part of his written language development, Ivo was instructed to write structured poems namely Cinquain and Acrostic. (See description of each poem below.)The said poetry writing activity was a perfect avenue for Ivo to apply the figures of speech he learned from a previous lesson taught as well as his knowledge on parts of speech like nouns, adjectives, verbs. Ivo wrote the poems by following the step-by-step procedures on how to write Cinquain and Acrostic with minimal guidance from the teacher.

* A Cinquain poem has five lines with a required number of words: one noun in the first line, two descriptive (adjective) words in the second line, three action (verb) words, and four words that evoke emotion in the third and fourth lines consecutively, and lastly, one word in the fifth line which is related to the single word in the first line.


Bloody, painful
Shoot, bump, kill
All make it exciting

*An acrostic is a poem where the title or the topic word is written vertically. The word/s or phrases in each line should start with the letters of the topic word. 


To terminate or to die in
Endless battles
King you should become or be
Killed for pleasure by anyone who
Exists in the fierce world, so
Neutralize your enemies in the very end

Ivo is a seventeen-year-old tall lad. Swimming and playing computer games are few of his interests aside from extreme sports like Airsoft.

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