Friday, July 30, 2010

Loosing a Tooth and Hercules

 For his Oral Language Development and Written Language Development, Wil was asked the question: What would you do if you have a loose tooth? 

Wil verbalized his answer with the given response structure and transcribed it afterwards. Inventive spelling was allowed. The words inside the parentheses were modifications of Wil’s misspelled words.

If I have a loose tooth, I would wigil (wiggle) it sow (so) it will fol (fall) out.


As a post-reading activity for the book, The Twelve Labors of Hercules, Wil chose his favorite task among the twelve as instructed by his teacher. Wil drew the task of his choice and wrote an explanation on how Hercules accomplished it with the prescribed response pattern. The sentence below was the original work of Wil with spelling modifications inside the parentheses for his misspelled words. Then, he orally presented his work to his teacher.

Killing the Hydra

Hercules accomplished this task by cuting (cutting) of the heds (heads) of the hidru (hydra) and berning (burning) the in side (inside).

Wil is an incoming grade 3 at Brent International School. He enjoys reading funny books and doing art activities like drawing and coloring. 

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