Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Erika's Stories

Erika is nine year old girl, who has a talent in drawing.  For her post reading activity, she was asked to retell stories following a story grammar template.  She drew her answers first and filled-in the template with the correct picture then retold the story. She was assisted to answer in complete thoughts. She was able to retell the stories of “Best friends Wear Pink Tutus” and “Little Ghost”.

 Amber and Emily wanted (to be) Marie but they (both) want to be Marie so they fought. In the end Nicole (was chosen to be) Marie and (they were chosen to be) snowflakes and (they were) friends again.

Little ghost wanted to fly but he can’t fly so Booh! (They surprised him). In the end, he can fly.

Erika enjoys shopping and playing gaming consoles during her free time. She also likes drawing and collecting stickers as a hobby.

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