Thursday, July 24, 2008

5th International Conference on Teacher Education (ICTED '08) to be held in the Philippines this July!

The 5th International Conference on Teacher Education or ICTED will be held at the Manila Hotel from July 24 to 26, 2008. The conference theme for this year is "Teacher Education Reforms: Access, Participation and Quality."

The ICTED organizing committee said more than a thousand participants are expected to attend the conference, including presidents and heads of universities and colleges in the country, as well as regional directors, schools division superintendents, deans, and faculty members.

International and national resource speakers and lecturers have been invited to share their expertise on education based on their fields of specialization and discipline.

According to the organizers:

Access to education for all children is usually tied to political, economic and social reforms that affect teaching, curriculum, research and development, admission and promotion and quality assessment of schools, classrooms and teachers. ICTEd ’08 provides a unique opportunity for all teacher educators around the world to share their country experience in making their teacher education programs respond to the learning needs of all students.

International movements to eliminate barriers to learning have come and gone. How much progress has been made by countries in enhancing the learning of all children and eradicating the barriers that hinder access to schooling? Have teacher education institutions taken initiatives and leadership in helping schools promote access, participation and quality in their programs, projects and services?

Through ICTEd ’08, countries can learn from each others’ experience and plan strategies for greater global collaboration by way of research, exchange fellowships and joint program initiatives.

This year's ICTED is organized by the College of Education, University of the Philippines. For more information, click here.

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