Monday, October 8, 2007

A Wrinkle in Time

by Raphael

The book A Wrinkle in Time is by L’Engle. The main characters are Meg, Charles Wallace and Calvin. They are chosen to save Mr. Murry from IT. IT is an evil mind that wants to take over the universe. They got help from Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which. Mr.Murry tried to save Earth from IT, however he got caught and became a prisoner. They traveled through time and space. They started from earth and able to go to Uriel, Happy Medium’s place, Camazotz and to Ixchel. All of the places they have been to are free from IT except Camazotz, which is a dark planet. They were able to get Mr. Murry, however, Charles was hypnotized by IT. So Meg had to go back to Camazotz to rescue Charles. She was able to save Charles by showing her love for him. In the end they were able to go home.

In my opinion the most important theme in the story is family. The characters have a strong bond together. This bond helped them because they did not give up.

Values are actions that help people face challenges. In the story the characters have values that help them fight IT. First, Meg’s value is her faults. It helped her when she fought being hypnotized by IT. Second, Charles Wallace has the value of being tough, as he tried to get information from The Red Eye Man. Next, Calvin is a good friend that he tried to pull Charles out of the trance. After that, Mr. Murry has courage that helped him when he took the risk on tesseracting to Camazotz. Then, Mrs. Murry tried to be strong by not showing her sad emotions to her kids. Last, The three Mrs.s has the knowledge and they gave it o the three kids. I believe that these values can be applied to everyone. If you do you become a better person.

Raphael has recently finished a public-speaking course and will compete in an upcoming swimming meet.

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