The “Ox Cart Man” written by Donald Hall (and illustrated by Barbara Cooney) is a simple story
about a family that makes things that they have in the year before winter. After making them, the ox cart man goes to town and sells them. Then, after selling all the stuff, including his ox cart and his ox, he buys things that are needed in the house and his family needs to use. Then he goes home and gives his family the things he bought from town. And then, they start working all over again.

What I learned from the story was that people in the past lived a simple life, which is like a cycle. Compared to our lives now, things are easier because we can earn more money and it takes a short time for us to go to one area or another. But I prefer the simple days like the ox cart man’s time because they are not lazy and make things with the stuff they had like brooms, woolen blankets and mittens.
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