In the two works featured below, Enrique was tasked to create original compositions. Coherence of his ideas was given emphasis through apt use of signal words. In the first activity, Enrique was asked to choose three questions from the Query game. After choosing and answering three questions, he was tasked to create a story based on his three answers. his work is in its raw form.
My First Day as a Secret Agent
The story takes place in the future in Manila, Philippines. The characters are a member of my family, a best friend, secret agents, a criminal and I. The type of the story is an adventure.
A problem occurs when secret agents think that they need me to be one of them. They think that I should quit my funny doings, I was asked to be in a comedy show because I make good pranks but I think that those secret agents have been spying on me very well.
A long time ago, I was a lonely person but I discovered that one of my family members have powers to grant your wish. As a result, I wished that I would be able to read the future, read people’s mind and be an NBA player or be famous. After that, my wish was granted. I became a famous NBA player. However, I had to quit because of a certain injury so I had to do pranks and was successful by becoming a famous prankster.
The secret agents think that they need me because I am athletic and have powers. They need athletic people because their strong and fit. The secret agents also need people with powers so they can tell if a criminal is lying. Furthermore, they also call for people that can read the future because they will no what crimes will happen.
In my first day as a secret agent, I had to face tough challenges like not smiling and no jokes or pranks. My first mission was when my agent mates told me that there was a man dying because of a criminal shooting him three times. The criminal shot him because he was the richest singer in the world and was asked by the criminal to give him money but he refused. Unfortunately, that richest singer in the world was my best friend. On my way there, I saw him looking at me and smiling because of this I called the hospital to make sure he is okay. After that, the criminal was almost going to shoot me because he saw me calling for the ambulance. Luckily, my agent mate was able to tackle him from behind and call the police.
In the end, the criminal was arrested and my best friend was healed. I got richer because of what I did and even being a rookie secret agent. As a result, my agent mates treated me like a veteran. Therefore, we can say “The End”.
In the second activity, Enrique tapped his imagination so he could describe his journey with a giant owl. Like in his previous story, this output is unedited.
An Owl Ride
I will tell you an exciting story about my owl ride. To begin with, that giant owl landed on my doorstep and asked me if I want to ride on him and I agreed. I was very surprised when he asked me. He could talk! The reason why the owl took me for a ride is because he was lost. Therefore, when we were up in the sky he could see where he had to go. I wanted to swim and scuba dive, also to show him the paradise of the Philippines. I also wanted to show him the tallest mountain in the Philippines.
In Boracay, while I was swimming and scuba diving I saw whales! I have always wanted to see whales. The weather in Boracay was sunny so I really enjoyed my stay there. After that, our next destination was Mt. Apo. When we were on our way to Mt. Apo, there were people shouting and gasping with shock when they saw a 6’0’’ owl and a 5’2’’ person up in the sky. Afterwards, when we were in Mt. Apo I saw plenty of trees and fog. There are farms in mountains so I also saw cows. The weather in Mount Apo was foggy. After that, we went to Houston to watch a basketball game. I have always dreamed to watch an NBA game. During the game, I had an idea to show the owl Manny Pacquiao so we went o Dallas to watch a fight. The weather in Houston and Dallas was cold. In Houston and Dallas, I saw athletes such as all the Houston rockets players, Manny Pacquiao and Antonio Margarito. I enjoyed the ride in all the places we went to.
In the end, I got home by riding the owl. The owl was very obedient so he brought me back. He went 300kph/hr! Imagine it took only 4 hours to go to all those places! Finally, that was all for my owl ride.
Enrique is a Grade 6 student. He likes basketball and dreams of becoming a famous NBA player. He is currently a member of his school’s basketball varsity team.