By IsakIn the year 1111122222333334444555666778899102030405, 3 clones were in a facility of HUNK & Co. Their names are Dak, Daksis and Dakaria. They were created by the use of the genes of Metal Boss. They were given each a power of the Metal Boss: Dak was given

super human mimicking ability, Daksis was given teleportation and was a medium, and Dakaria has invisibility and super human strength. Metal Boss was a soldier whose past is unknown. All they know about him is that he is immortal. They say he is a clone himself. They were created to fight the death Warlordians who eat anything even themselves.
Dak and Daksis died in battle against the Warlordians. If you see the bodies of those soldiers, you’ll think even the large DarkadakaHaka a monster that lives in the planet Dafaranian can’t defeat the Warlordians. Now it is up to Dakaria to save the 30,000,000,000 galaxies from the Warlordians, and avenge his brother’s death. His first planet to save was Dafaranian--that’s where the Darkadakahaka lives. The enemy there was Gorkatorks, a veteran in the wars and he serves as the nemesis of Dakaria. Dakaria saved all of the 30,000,000,000 galaxies but now it’s time for him to defeat the Warlordians. They live in a barren world and their main food supply is the Rakmorweans. There in the planet lives 50% of all the Warlordian commanders. Five hundred soldiers went there but three only returned. Dakaria planned a bombardment of all troops from Hunk &co, the military, and the GGS, Global Government Security. The plan was a success and the commanders of the Warlordians were captured and were interrogated personally by Dakaria.
This output is taken from Isak's vivid imagination coupled with inspirations from his favorite, Star Wars. He looks forward to comments, questions, and suggestions with regards to his original works.