Monday, October 22, 2007
All Systems Go for the First Pan-Asian Conference on Learning Disabilties in the Philippines!

Parents of Children with Learning Difficulties are Invited
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Looking for Miss Nelson

I liked the story because it is a little funny. The best part is when the kids made up comments like she was going to the Mars planet and she was being attacked by enraged butterflies. The least liked part is when the kids thought that Miss Nelson was being eaten by sharks. I would recommend this book to others because I like it.
Raffy is a 4th grader in The Learning Child School. He enjoys playing chess and reading books of Captain Underpants.
Parent Education Seminar on Home Support

Invited speaker was Ms. Hazelle Preclaro, Ma. Ed. Ms. Preclaro is the Executive Director of Wordlab School, Inc. She received a master’s degree in Reading Education from Columbia University in New York. She is currently an assistant professor in the Reading Department, College of Education, University of the Philippines, Diliman. Parents of students enrolled in Wordlab attended the seminar.

Monday, October 8, 2007
A Wrinkle in Time

In my opinion the most important theme in the story is family. The characters have a strong bond together. This bond helped them because they did not give up.
Values are actions that help people face challenges. In the story the characters have values that help them fight IT. First, Meg’s value is her faults. It helped her when she fought being hypnotized by IT. Second, Charles Wallace has the value of being tough, as he tried to get information from The Red Eye Man. Next, Calvin is a good friend that he tried to pull Charles out of the trance. After that, Mr. Murry has courage that helped him when he took the risk on tesseracting to Camazotz. Then, Mrs. Murry tried to be strong by not showing her sad emotions to her kids. Last, The three Mrs.s has the knowledge and they gave it o the three kids. I believe that these values can be applied to everyone. If you do you become a better person.
The Twits
The story takes place in Mr. and Mrs. Twit’s house. Mr. and Mrs. Twit are characters in the story that are smart and bad. Muggle Wump and Roly Poly Bird are other characters in the story that are good and kind. A problem occurs when Mr. and Mrs. Twit eat birds and torture monkeys. The problem was solved when Muggle Wump and Roly Poly Bird wanted Mr. and Mrs. Twit to be stuck upside down. The story ends with Mr. and Mrs. Twit dying because they got the shrinks.
Patrick is a big fan of Pokemon and Yugioh. He also has a twin sister, Anna.
Allen Iverson
Allen Iverson is a great player. First, he can crossover any person bigger than him. Second, he can shoot jump shots and make three points. Third, he can steal a ball from any player smaller or bigger than him. Fourth, he is a great point guard. Fifth, he is the fastest player in the NBA. Finally, he is the star or MVP of the 76ers.
Egyptians are brilliant. First, they made a strong coffin so the thieves wouldn’t steal the amulets. Second, they made mummies so the spirit would guide them in the afterworld. Third, they hid Ramses because some broke into the Valley of kings. Finally, but Egyptians are weird because they leave the heart in the body.

by Isak
Bruno was ill of T.B. Then, he was trampled by horses. He was found dead in Niagara Falls wearing sunglasses. After that some “Insane Amateur” student operated on him with an Emergency Light. Next the doctor came drunk from the vineyard. Then the doctor sent him in a parasailing trip even though he’s dead. Next the doctor and his assistants went to a veterinarian, she was taken hostage. Then saved herself by taking out her “Magnum Revolver”. Finally she found treasure on Bruno and Dr.William. Yeehaw!
Isak is in the fourth grade and enjoys reading classic literature.
Alone Across the Ocean
First, Amelia Earhart is boisterous. She plays what the boys like. Second, she is a dreamer. She dreamt and became a famous pilot. Third, she is famous because she is the first woman passenger to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Last, she is restless because she wanted to cross the Atlantic Ocean as the pilot.
Friday, October 5, 2007
YOUR 1K IS FOR KIDS: Make A Difference! Be a Donor!
Everyday, we see our son agonize over the lack of understanding of his teachers about his dyslexia and its effect of how he learns. He's a smart 13 yr old who is a gifted musician and an avid boxer. But he needs more explicit and systematic instruction to learn his school subject matter content because dyslexia affects how he perceives language in both written and oral forms. The frustration he lives with everyday as he attends one of the best boys' schools in the country is hard for any parent to bear.
The most crucial factors for the successful education of children with dyslexia and learning difficulties are better informed and compassionate teachers and schools. This is why our whole family has thrown all its support behind our young man and for the Pan Asian Learning Difficulties Conference in order to advocate among teachers and schools about dyslexia and learning difficulties and how these affect the learning of otherwise very clever and intelligent children and adults. We appeal to you to do the same. Send help to the organizers of the conference, Wordlab School, Inc so that it can offer more free slots for teachers to attend the conference.
You can send your donations directly to us. One donor line is equivalent to only P1,000.00. Just send a text message with your name, address and the amount your sent so we can give these to the organizers. They in turn will send you the receipt.
Help us send more teachers to the conference and make a difference in the lives of thousands of children with dyslexia and learning difficulties. Thank you for listening and we look forward to your affirmative response.
All the best,
Che and Dina Cristobal
Deposit Peso Donations at:
Bank of the Philippine Islands-Aurora Branch CA# 3151-0466-56
Land Bank of the Philippines - G. Araneta Branch SA# 0681-0702-81
Kindly address all check donations to Wordlab School, Inc. Email or text us after you've made your donation. The KIDS would want to thank you by name!
email: panasian.LDsecretariat@gmail.com or text (+63915)4338160